

Where the Light Enters

When we create, we tap into an unknown source in our psyche. It's a space where our thoughts, emotions, and imagination meld together. Our brains light up, our neurons fire with creativity, our breath takes care of itself, and our state of mind shifts, often into a deeply meditative process. Learn more in my latest blog post.

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Overriding vs. Overcoming: Navigating Emotional Challenges

Are you Overcoming or Overriding?  When an emotion hits us, it just does, no choice; it just is. What happens next has a lot to do with who we are, where we are, and how we are used to responding to emotions. When an emotion hits us, it can be loud or subtle. Did I Override a feeling, or am I working to Overcome a familiar pattern? Learn more in my latest blog post.

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Am I an Imposter? Overcoming the Mother Wound and Embracing Authenticity

The feeling of being an imposter can be a telltale sign of a mother wound. This complex and often insidious attachment wound can leave us with lingering self-doubt, a lack of self-recognition, and a deep-seated fear that we will never fully be worthy of living up to our life’s potential. Read my latest blog post to learn more about embracing your authentic self.

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Embracing the Transition: Welcoming the Almost-Fall Season

While the calendar may not signal the beginning of a new year, the almost fall season carries its own unique energy of change and renewal. It's a period of transition, a bridge between the carefree days of summer and the structured routines that await us.   Read my latest blog post to learn how to embrace this period of change and stride confidently toward your dreams!

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_Connecting with Nature

Finding Beauty in Imperfection

Today, I want to share with you the inspiring story of my recent vacation - an adventure that taught me valuable lessons about embracing imperfection, finding beauty in challenges, and the profound journey of self-discovery.
Upon reaching our accommodation, we were welcomed by a muggy room teeming with insects inside and out. Ouch, the itchy bites left their mark on me. Yet, amidst these imperfections, I learned that the word "perfect" has a broader definition. It wasn't about an idyllic experien…

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summer overwhelm

Finding Balance: Overcoming Overwhelm in the Summer Months while Healing from the Mother Wound

The summer months bring a unique blend of joy and challenges. While it is a time for relaxation and fun, it can also trigger feelings of overwhelm, especially if you are healing from a Mother Wound and have children at home. Balancing self-care, parenting, and personal healing can seem daunting, but with conscious effort and effective strategies, you can overcome overwhelm and find harmony. Read my latest blog post on how to navigate this complex terrain and create a fulfilling summer for yourse…

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Sons of Toxic Mothers

Mothers and daughters are often seen as a package deal, however, the Mother-Son relationship has complex dynamics that impact a man into adulthood. If you have been following my blogs, then you are aware that I work closely with women who were raised by critical mothers. Of course, sons are not exempt from the struggle daughters have faced. Read my recent blog post to learn more.

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Overcoming the Mother Wound

The journey to break a generational cycle isn’t easy, yet it is necessary and rewarding. If you have been following my blogs and articles, then you are surely no stranger to this topic. I talk a lot about identifying how the Mother Wound manifests in certain relationships– such as with a lover, friend, or the inner self– although we have yet to address how to move through the world as a mother.

After dealing with our own absent, attacking, or overbearing mother, we are sure to deal with some afte…

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The Power of Friendships Between Women

Throughout history, women have come together in support of other women. This would bring generations together around a similar and difficult shared experience, for instance, childbirth, child-rearing, relationship celebrations and challenges, life passages, and grievances. Now, our lives are so much more separated. Making it crucial to find a female friend you can connect with. We make each other stronger.
Of course, this relationship is impacted, like all others, by our first relationship: the …

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